pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material which
will have a deleterious effect on life upon our planet. The main pollutants
contributes by automobiles are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons
(UBHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and lead and other particulate emissions.
Automobiles are not the only source of air pollution, other sources such as
electric power generating stations (which mainly emit sulphur oxides, nitrogen
oxides, and particulates), industrial and domestic fuel consumption, refuse
burning, industrial processing etc., also contribute heavily to contamination
of our environment.
Automobiles are
responsible for:
–18% of HC
–31% of CO
–11% of NOx released into the atmosphere
•Automotive emissions have
three sources:
* Evaporative Fuels - 15 to 25% of HC
* Evaporative Fuels - 15 to 25% of HC
* Crankcase Dilution / Blow by gas - 20
to 35% of HC
* Crankcase Dilution / Blow by gas - 20
to 35% of HC
* Exhaust Gases - 50 to 60% of HC and almost all CO and NOx
Evaporative Losses
Evaporative emissions account for 15 to
25 percent of total hydrocarbon emission from a gasoline engine. The two main
sources of evaporative emissions are the fuel tank and the carburetor.
(i) Fuel tank losses: Fuel tank losses occur by
displacement of vapour during filling of petrol tank, or by vaporization of
fuel in the tank, forcing the vapour through a breather vent to the atmosphere.
Where the temperature is low the fuel tank breathes in air. When the temperature
goes high it 'breathes out' air loaded with petrol vapour. Fuel tank losses
occur because the tank temperature is increased during the vehicle operation
which causes an increase in the vapour pressure and thermal expansion of tank
vapour. The mechanism of tank loss is as follows: When a partially filled fuel tank is open to atmosphere the
partial pressure of the vapour phase hydrocarbons and vapour pressure of the
liquid are equal and they are in equilibrium. If the temperature of the liquid
is increased, say by engine operation, the vapour pressure of the liquid will
increase and it will vaporize in an attempt to restore equilibrium. As
additional liquid vaporizes, the total pressure of the tank increases and since
the tank is open to atmosphere the vapour will flow out of the tank. This
outflow to the vapour will increase if in addition to liquid temperature rise,
the vapour temperature is also increased.
The evaporation from the tank is affected by a large number
of variables of which the ambient and fuel tank temperature, the mode of
vehicle operation, the amount of fuel hi the tank and the volatility of the
fuel are important. Other significant factors are the capacity, design and
location of the fuel tank with respect to the exhaust system and the flow
pattern of the heated air underneath the vehicle.
Less the tank fill, greater is the evaporation loss. This
reflects the difference in the tank vapour space. Also when a car is parked in
a hot location the evaporation of the gasoline in the tank accelerates, so the
evaporation loss is greater. The operational modes substantially affect the
evaporation loss. When the tank temperature rises the loss increases. The
vapour which vent from a partially filled tank during vehicle operation called
soak, is a mixture of air and hydrocarbon. After a prolonged high speed
operation the HC per cent in the soak is as high as 60 per cent as compared to
about 30 per cent after an overnight soak.
(ii) Carburetor losses: Carburetor losses result from
(a) external venting of the float bowl relieving the internal pressure as the
carburetor heats, and (b) 'hot soak1 losses which occur after the engine has
been stopped, as a result of evaporation of petrol stored in the bowl, loss
being through vent pipe or through the air cleaner. Most of the loss from the
carburetor occurs due to direct boiling of the fuel in the carburetor bowl
during hot soak. Carburetor bowl temperature during hot, soak rises 15°C to
45°C above the ambient. This can cause fuel boiling and the front end gasoline components.
In some designs the small passage from bowl leading to the throat after
'heating causes siphon action leading to HC loss.
If the pressure in the fuel line becomes greater than the
pressure holding the needle valve closed, after supply will occur. One of the
possible reasons may be fuel evaporation pressure in the carburetor bowl which
presses down the bowl and increase pressure in the fuel line. If the
after-supply is more than the bowl volume the losses from the carburetor will
change drastically. Thus bowl volume and maximum bowl temperature both
significantly affect the evaporative losses from the carburetor.
Crankcase/Blow by gases:
The blow by is the phenomenon of
leakage past the piston and piston rings from the cylinder to the crankcase.
The blow by HC emissions are about 20 per cent of the total HC emission from
the engine. This is increased to about 30 per cent if the rings are worn.
The mechanism of leakage past the piston is as follows
Air-fuel mixture trapped in the top land clearance and behind the top ring is
unable to burn due to wall quenching effect. The cylinder forces this quenched
gas past the piston ring and into the crankcase, along with some burned gases.
In the blow by gas about 85 per cent carbureted mixture in the form of raw HC
is present and rest 15 per cent is the burned gases.
The blow by rate is greatly affected by the top land
clearance and the position of the top ring because some of quenched gas is
recycled in the combustion chamber and the ability of this to burn will depend
on nearness to spark plug and the flame speed, etc., and it will burn only when
favourable conditions are there, otherwise, it will go in the form of HC.
Exhaust Emissions:
Tail pipe exhaust emissions are the major
source of automotive emissions. Petrol consists of a mixture of various
hydrocarbons and if we could get perfect combustion then the exhaust would
consist only of carbon dioxide and water vapors plus air that did not enter
into the combustion process. However, for several reasons combustion is
incomplete and hence we also get carbon monoxide, a deadly poisonous gas, and
unburnt hydrocarbons (UBHC) in exhaust. Hydrocarbons play an active part in the
formation of smog.
Exhaust gas or flue
gases is emitted as a result of the
combustion of fuels such as petrol, diesel
or fuel oil.
•A car's exhaust
system is responsible for transporting
the burned exhaust, or combustion gases,
from its engine
and out through the tail pipe.
•An exhaust system is
usually tubing used to guide
reaction exhaust gases away from a controlled
inside an engine . The entire system conveys burnt gases
from the
engine and includes one or more exhaust pipes,
depending on the overall system
from Exhaust
•CO — carbon monoxide. The main source of CO in cities is
the internal combustion engine, where it is produced by incomplete
•CO2 — carbon dioxide. The internal combustion engine
contributes to the increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere.
•NOx — nitrogen oxide forms when fuels are burned at high
•HC — hydrocarbons. Much of the hydrocarbon fuel passes
through the process unconsumed and is expelled into the atmosphere along with
other exhaust fumes.
•Other pollutants such as C6H6 — Benzene and its
•SO2 — sulphur dioxide are also present
* Exhaust Gases - 50 to 60% of HC and almost all CO and NOx
Exhaust gas or flue gases is emitted as a result of the
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